Nutri Orgo Fert (NOF)

  • Nutri Orgo Fert (NOF)

Ingredients :-
Soluble protein
Potassium Humate
Ascophyllum Nodusum
Organic nitrogen (N)
Potassium oxide (K2 O) soluble in water
: 30 % conc @ 10% W/W
: 1.5 % W/W
: 0.3 % W/W
: 1.0 % W/W
: 3% w/w
: 6% w/w

Source of organic matter:-

           Nutri Orgo Fert is a fluid organic fertilizer bases on vegetal extracts with polysaccharides. It contains a high concentration of nitrogen and potassium in organic form. Applied to the soil activates the microflora, improves the physical structure, increases organic matter content, increases the absorption of the elements and reduces the negative effects of salinity.
          Nutri Orgo Fert formulation is rich of amino acids of vegetal origin among which a guaranteed presence of 7 % of glycine betaines, this quantity grants a very active action to overtake stresses.
 Activates the microflora and improves the physical structure of the soil.
 Increases organic matter content and reduces the negative effects of salinity.
 Activates the rhizosphere and the processes of organic matter humification.


Density (at 20°C): 1.30 g/ml
pH (1% w. sol. w/w): 7.0 ± 0,5 u. pH
Electrical conductivity (w. sol. 1 g/l): 400 µS/cm.

Application :-

Apply 20 liter for 1 acre through drip irrigation or by drenching. (for drip application mix 20 lit. "Nutri Orgo Fert' with 200 lit of water & for drenching purpose use 5-10 ml/lit of water.
 For all type of horticulture crop: apply during flower setting, fruit setting and fruit development phase.
 For all type of agriculture crop: apply within 30 days after sowing, second application within 30 days after first application.
 For all Vegetable crop: apply within 30, 45 & 60 days after sowing or transplanting.
 For sugarcane, turmeric, cotton & Ginger crop: Apply within 30, 60 & 90 days after planting /sowing/transplanting.


Do not use it for foliar spray. it is compatible with all water soluble chemical and organic fertilizer use it only for soil application.

Limited Warranty :-

Manufacturer or seller makes no warrantee, whether expressed or implied concerning the use of this product other than for the purposes indicated on the label. Neither manufacturer nor seller shall be liable for any injury or damage caused by this product due to misuse, mishandlings, or any application not specifically described on the label.