SUNFEN 19 (Anti Sun Stress)

  • SUNFEN 19 (Anti Sun Stress)

How to use :-

Anti-transpirants are compounds applied to the leaves of plants to reduce transpiration, the evaporation of water from plant leaves to cool plants. In stressful environments, such as intense sunlight or drought, excess transpiration causes significant damage to crops. Foliar application of SUNFEN 19, form a thin film over leaves, fruits and whole plant part and reduces transpiration losses.
SUNFEN 19 forms a luster and reflects the sun rays.
SUNFEN 19 avoids the cracking develop from sun stress.
SUNFEN 19 protect from injury developed by the attack of downy mildew and powdery mildew.
SUNFEN 19 reduces water loss from plants
SUNFEN 19 enhances phytotonic effect of plants.

Precautions :-

1. Always read and follow label instructions
2. Cover all plant surfaces, especially the undersides of leaves and crevices of branches and stems where pests can hide. Avoid large spray droplet sizes by using proper equipment and spray pressure.
3. Do not apply in combination with sulfur or sulfur-containing pesticides.

Ingredient :-
Acrylic polymers
Antistress compound

: 10 %
: 0.5 %
: 2 %
: 72.5 %
: 15 %

: 100 %

How to use:-

1. Shake well before use
2. Mix with half quantity of water for proper mixing then added remaining quantity of water
3. Stir well before use
4. Wash spray pump with warm water before use of SUNFEN 19
5. Apply SUNFEN 19 spray in preferably evening time.